R/C Speed Demonz With Turbo 1:14



The sophisticated vehicle toy from EMCO, Emco Speeddemonz Turbo-1: 14 is back in the Emco Speeddemonz Turbo-1: 14 – various variants that are equipped with super-sophisticated remote controls that can give users the ease of driving the car and adjusting the direction and speed as desired. In addition, this car has a sporty appearance with various and attractive color choices. You can find Emco Speeddemonz in sizes with different car shape & color variants and of course very interesting. Playing Emco Speed Demonz is very fun and suitable for children over 6 years of age.
There is a Turbo button on the remote to increase the speed of the car while on the road.
The distance can be up to 100 meters
Size: 42x18x15

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SKU: 0160089 Category:
Weight 0.8 kg


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