
Create your electronic instrument and pretend to be a musician! You can use the module and the conductive tape to invent your own interesting circuits.Imaginative, creative, inspiring and fun are the 4 core principles that birthed 4M; characteristics that are in our people, our designs, and throughout our production process. It is these essential elements of healthy mental development that we hope to instill in every precious young mind:

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With an imaginative mind, we can see the world for what is it and what it might be;

With a creative mind, we dream up innovative solutions to overcome life?s obstacles; With an inspiring mind, we have the courage to explore new horizons and face challenges;

With a fun mind, the world is full of amusements great and small, to be appreciated and savour every day.

Open-minded, forward-thinking and visionary is the key to product success. 4M is dedicated to developing innovations. It aims to invest in every child to expand their horizons and vision by cultivating their curiosity, creativity and appetite for knowledge.

Weight 1 kg


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